Jurnal Taylor and Francis 2023
Koleksi BaruUncategorized Tuesday, 24 October 2023
Jurnal Taylor and Francis 2023
Koleksi BaruUncategorized Monday, 5 June 2023
Jurnal Taylor and Francis 2022
Koleksi Baru Thursday, 21 April 2022
List E-Book Fakultas Pertanian 2021 read more
Koleksi Baru Wednesday, 24 November 2021
Judul : Pemikiran Guru Besar Universitas Gadjah Mada, Menuju Indonesia Maju 2045, Bidang Kesehatan
Editor : Sri Suryawati, Masyhuri
Penerbit : UGM Press, Yogyakarta
Cetakan ke-1 : Agustus, 2021
ISBN : 978 623 359 003 7
Buku ini merupakan buah perenungan para Guru Besar UGM pada tahun 2021 yang sangat kekinian. Merenung merupakan sebuah prose ilimah yang sudah sangat lama ditinggalkan karena dianggap kuno. Sebuah ungkapan kuno yang ditulis oleh Descartes “Cogito ergo sum” yang terjemahannya aku berpikir maka aku ada, dan lebih dalam lagi ungkapan tersebut menunjuk bahwa keberadaan sejati yang tak dapat diragukan lagi adalah keberadaan seseorang yang berpikir itu sendiri, bahwa berpikir merupakan fakta yang tak dapat diganggu gugat. Merenung merupakan proses mental yang melibatkan tidak hanya olah pikir tapi juga olah rasa (hati) dan olah karsa (kemauan) sehingga menghasilkan olah karya (tindakan). Sebagaimana apa yang dipikirkan Ki Hadjar Dewantara yang menjelaskan bagaimana jiwa manusia tersusun atas tiga kekuatan utama atau trisakti: cipta atau pikiran, rasa atau hati, dan karsa atau kemauan. Trisakti dari jiwa inilah yang kemudian membuahkan perbuatan yang terencana. Ketajaman intuisi para Guru Besar UGM dalam menulis buku ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat dan pemikiran pada banyak pihak. read more
Koleksi Baru Wednesday, 24 November 2021
Judul : Pemikiran Guru Besar Universitas Gadjah Mada menuju Indonesia Maju 2045, Bidang Soial Humaniora
Editor : Wahyudi Kumorotomo, MA Subandi, Masyhuri
Penerbit : UGM Press, Yogyakarta
Cetakan ke-1 : Agustus, 2021
ISBN : 978 623 359 005 1
Koleksi Baru Friday, 30 July 2021
Title : The Ensyclopedia of Cultivated Palms 2ed
Author : Robert Lee Riffle, Paul Craft, Scott Zona
Publisher : Timber Press; Second Edition, Revised (June 19, 2012)
Language : English
Volume : 520 pages
ISBN : 978-1604692051
The Encyclopedia of Cultivated Palms is the definitive account of all palms that can be grown for ornamental and economic use. Palms are often underutilized as a result of their unfamiliarity—even to tropical gardeners. To help introduce these valuable plants to a new audience, the authors have exhaustively documented every genus in the palm family. read more
Koleksi Baru Friday, 30 July 2021
Title : Developing Skills and Knowledge for Social Work Practice
Author : Michaela Rogers, Dawn Whitaker, David Edmondson, and Donna Peach
Publisher : SAGE Publications Ltd; Second edition (30 Mar. 2020)
Volume : 384 pages
ISBN : 978-1526463258
This very practical guide will teach students everything they need to know to successfully apply theory, methods and approaches in real-life practice. It will assist in developing and hone their skills to make the best start in their practice placement and beyond as a newly qualified practitioner. read more
Koleksi Baru Friday, 30 July 2021
Author : Ahmed Al-Rawi
ISBN : 978-1-119-56966-4
Published : July 2020
Publisher : Wiley-Blackwell
Volume : 224 Pages
The second generation of news—News 2.0—made, distributed, and consumed on the internet, particularly social media, has forever changed the news business. News 2.0: Journalists, Audiences and News on Social Media examines the ways in which news production is sometimes biased and how social networking sites (SNS) have become highly personalized news platforms that reflect users’ preferences and worldviews. Drawing from empirical evidence, this book provides a critical and analytical assessment of recent developments, major debates, and contemporary research on news, social media, and news organizations worldwide. read more
Koleksi Baru Friday, 30 July 2021
Title : Communication and Interpersonal Skills in Social Work
Author : Juliet Koprowska
Publisher : Learning Matters; Fifth edition (May 29, 2020)
Volume : 248 pages
ISBN : 978-1473981713
Communication and Interpersonal Skills in Social Work are at the heart of effective social work practice. This book offers students a solid grounding in the core knowledge and skills of communication needed for effective practice. The book takes the key theories in communication and explains them in a systematic and practice-related way, essential for both undergraduate and postgraduate students to develop a critical understanding of the subject. read more