Title : Forest and Livelihoods in Developing Countries: Towards Sustainable Tropical Forest Management and Conservation
Author : Muluken Gezahegn Wordofa
Publisher : VDM Verlag Dr. Müller (May 16, 2011)
Volume : 100 pages
ISBN : 978-3639356113
contains explanations and discussions regarding: Forest Policy Change – Historical Development of Forest Policy in Ethiopia; Major Actors of Ethiopian Agricultural Extension System; Improved Fallow – Importance, Tree Species Used, and Challenges (with a case study from Zambia); Assessment of Organizational and Operational Aspects of Arsi Forest Enterprise in Ethiopia ; The Economic Function of Non-Timer Forest Products in Rural Development – the case of gum arabic from Acacia senegal tree in the gum-belt of The Sudan; Cutting cycle fixation in the Bolivian moist tropical forests; Community-Based Ecotourism – the case of Adaba-Dodola Community-Based Ecotourism in Oromia Region, Ethiopia; and, Conservation of Medicinal Plants – with a case study from the Indian Himalayan Region. The book is addressed to professionals and organizations working on forest-related livelihood improvement projects and programs in developing countries.